Luma’s Pike/Pine Cocktail Series
Come experience Luma and meet local Capitol Hill bartenders as they showcase how to prepare the hottest fall and winter cocktails.
Tues, October 13, 6 – 8 pm:
Philadelphia Fish House Punch
Seattle’s favorite Bartender Ryan Lobe will demonstrate how to make this historic rum based drink. Attendees will walk away with insights and Ryan’s custom recipe to create this famed punch for entertaining guests of their own.
Philadelphia Fish House Punch was first concocted in 1732 at Philadelphia’s fishing club, the State in Schuylkill, also known as the “Fish House.” America’s first President, George Washington, was also known to be fond of a drink or two, and sometimes more.
Drink presentations will kick off at 6:15 & 7:15 and light apps will be available.